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On The Hot Seat

Brew Time: The amount of time it takes to walk to your car in the parking lot

Ingredients: Green Tea

Benefits: Cleansing. Visual and Mental Health. Increases Metabolism.

Seemingly every few years or so I am thinking about making a change. For me this typically equates to a change of career. "I like to keep my options open," I tell myself as I sit up late at night trying to align my skill sets with the myriad of positions available.

One such moment, a few years ago, I came across an opportunity I just couldn't ignore! The application process was quite extensive, but I was determined to persevere. I decided that it was as good a time as any to begin making some healthy life changes as well. By the time my interview was scheduled I was looking better and feeling better than I had in a long time. I was ready to strut my confident self into that meeting and convince them I was the best candidate they would see walk through their door!

The morning of the interview arrived and I was overflowing with energy. I dressed in my favorite outfit, going for that professional yet relaxed look. My skirt was this beautiful soft layered fabric. The shorter length allowed me to wear my shirt tucked in and my high laced sandals. I brewed my favorite Green Tea to perfection and headed out the door.

I arrived at the office fashionably early and was situated in a waiting area by the receptionist. My tea was still warm and I sipped it gratefully as I verified I had all the necessary paperwork. About ten minutes before my scheduled interview time I hustled down the hall for a quick freshen up (if you know much about green tea, you know what I'm saying!), then back to the waiting area. Arriving just as the door opened, I was ushered in to the brightly lit conference room....

I'm not sure how long the meeting lasted. It was one of those experiences where time is holding its breath. Reality caught up with me when the team around the table began to stand up, thanking me, handshakes all around, quick instructions on next steps and some nice person holding the door for my departure. I was certain I nailed the interview. I swung my purse onto my shoulder, picked up my empty tea mug, gave a winning smile and walked out of the room with my best practiced stride. I waved a friendly farewell to the receptionist as I exited the building, keenly aware that the entire front of the building was a wall of windows, including the conference room I had just spent the morning in.

I was careful to keep my leadership sway consistent as I crossed the parking lot to my car and slid onto my smooth leather seats. It was warm. Yikes! Excessively warm! The summer sun had done its best work while I was in the building. I turned on the car, fumbling for the air conditioning, as I subtly shifted back and forth on the seat in an attempt to cool my baking bum. The hot seat only seemed to be getting worse as I got situated for the drive home, when suddenly I remembered the emergency blanket in the trunk. It would provide the perfect padding for my delicate situation! I leapt out to retrieve it and time stopped for the second time that day. I stared into my reflection on the side of my car and realized, with growing horror, that in my haste to release the cleansing effects of my Green Tea prior to the meeting, I had failed to verify the layers of my skirt had fallen back into place. To be clear, they hadn't. Indeed, my healthy bum most certainly made me the most memorable interview of the day!

Honestly, this story is mostly for the laugh factor! Did it work? It's healthy to put those fanny moments behind us as we strive to be our best selves! Of course, there are several other little lessons hidden in here too. I mean, I think we all experience those times when we just want a change. A change of perspective is good. Smile. Laugh. Be a friend. We may not be the one in charge, but we are in charge of the one we are. Be confident, check your layers, and go for it!

If you're curious, my current favorite Green Tea brand is Rwanda Mountain Tea. Check it out!

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